ISO/DIS 20309
Biotechnologija. Biobankai. Reikalavimai, keliami iš jūros gelmių gautoms medžiagoms
Standarto projektas Viešoji apklausaProjekto etapai
1. CD study/ballot initiated
2. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2024-10-24
iki 2024-12-18
3. Closure of enquiry
ISO Tarptautinė standartizacijos organizacijaICS
07.080 - Biologija. Botanika. ZoologijaTechnikos komitetas
TK 87 BiotechnologijaUžsienio technikos komitetas
ISO/TC 276Komentarų skaičius
0Komentavimo pradžia
2024-10-24Taikymo sritis
This document specifies requirements for the biobanking of deep-sea biological materials including the collection, processing, transportation and storage of deep-sea biological materials. This document is applicable only to deep-sea biological materials that can be used for biomolecular processing, e.g., nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites. This document is applicable to all organizations performing research and development on deep-sea biological material. This document does not apply to the collection of biological material intended for environmental impact assessment for sea floor mining. NOTE International, national or regional regulations or requirements or a multiple of these can also apply to specific topics covered in this document.