prEN 17016-2
Elektroniniai viešieji pirkimai. Užsakymas. 2 dalis. Transakcijos
Standarto projektas Viešoji apklausaProjekto etapai
1. Decision on WI Proposal
2. Projektas
3. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2024-09-03
iki 2024-11-09
4. Closure of enquiry
5. Submission to Formal Vote
CEN Europos standartizacijos komitetasICS
35.240.63 - IT prekybojeTechnikos komitetas
TK 92 Viešieji pirkimaiUžsienio technikos komitetas
CEN/TC 440Komentarų skaičius
0Komentavimo pradžia
2024-09-03Taikymo sritis
This document describes the transaction information requirements of the transactions used in the collaborations described in EN 17016-1:2024, Electronic Public Procurement — Ordering — Part 1: Choreographies. For each transaction are specified the transaction business requirements, the transaction information data model containing definitions of terms, usage descriptions and cardinality of the information elements and the transaction business rules. This document describes the following transactions: 1) Order; 2) Order Change; 3) Order Cancellation; 4) Order Response Simple; 5) Order Confirmation; 6) Order Rejection; 7) Order Response; 8) Order Change Confirmation; 9) Order Change Rejection; 10) Order Cancellation Confirmation; 11) Order Cancellation Rejection; 12) Order Agreement. The identifier of this transactions document is EN 17016-2:20XX. How to claim compliance to a transaction is specified in Clause 6. How to claim conformance to a transaction is also specified in Clause 6.