EN IEC 60974-10:2021
Lankinio suvirinimo įranga. 10 dalis. Elektromagnetinio suderinamumo (EMS) reikalavimai
Standarto projektas Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data
Projekto etapai
1. Decision on WI Proposal
2. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2018-09-24
iki 2018-11-27
3. Closure of enquiry
4. Submission to Formal Vote
5. Išleidimas (Paskelbimas Biuletenyje)
CENELEC Europos elektrotechnikos standartizacijos komitetasICS
25.160.30 - Suvirinimo įrangaTechnikos komitetas
TK 5 ElektrotechnikaUžsienio technikos komitetas
CLC/TC 26Komentarų skaičius
0Komentavimo pradžia
2018-09-24Taikymo sritis
IEC 60974-10:2014 specifies a) applicable standards and test methods for radio-frequency (RF) emissions; b) applicable standards and test methods for harmonic current emission, voltage fluctuations and flicker; c) immunity requirements and test methods for continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. This standard is applicable to equipment for arc welding and allied processes, including power sources and ancillary equipment, for example wire feeders, liquid cooling systems and arc striking and stabilizing devices. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - inclusion of optional use of a decoupling network and a load outside the test chamber; - inclusion of an alternative test setup for portable equipment; - inclusion of test conditions for complex controls, liquid cooling systems and arc striking and stabilizing devices; - update of the applicable limits related to the updated reference to CISPR 11; - exclusion of the use of narrow band relaxations for RF emission limits; - update of the applicable limits for harmonics and flicker and inclusion of flow-charts related to the updated reference to IEC 61000-3-11 and IEC 61000-3-12; - update of the requirements for voltage dips related to the updated reference to IEC 61000-4-11 and IEC 61000-4-34; - update of the informative annex for installation and use; - inclusion of symbols to indicate the RF equipment class and restrictions for use.Ryšiai
LST EN 60974-10:2014