EN 14511-3:2022
Oro kondicionieriai, skysčio aušinimo įrenginiai ir šilumos siurbliai patalpoms šildyti bei vėsinti ir įrenginių aušintuvai su elektriniais kompresoriais. 3 dalis. Bandymo metodai
Standarto projektas NaujasProjekto etapai
1. Decision on WI Proposal
2. Projektas
3. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2021-04-06
iki 2021-06-05
4. Closure of enquiry
5. Submission to Formal Vote
6. Išleidimas (Paskelbimas Biuletenyje)
CEN Europos standartizacijos komitetasICS
27.080 - Šilumos siurbliaiUžsienio technikos komitetas
CEN/TC 113Komentarų skaičius
0Taikymo sritis
1.1 The scope of EN 14511-1:2022 is applicable. 1.2 This document specifies the test methods for the rating and performance of air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps using either air, water or brine as heat transfer media, with electrically driven compressors when used for space heating and cooling. These test methods also apply for the rating and performance of process chillers. It also specifies the method of testing and reporting for heat recovery capacities, system reduced capacities and the capacity of individual indoor units of multisplit systems, where applicable. This document also makes possible to rate multisplit and modular heat recovery multisplit systems by rating separately the indoor and outdoor units.Ryšiai