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Projekto etapai

1. Decision on WI Proposal
2. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2024-10-16 iki 2024-12-21


CENELEC Europos elektrotechnikos standartizacijos komitetas


31.040.10 - Pastovieji rezistoriai

Užsienio technikos komitetas


Komentarų skaičius


Komentavimo pradžia


Taikymo sritis

This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to leaded fixed low-power film resistors for use in electronic equipment and is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for leaded fixed low-power film resistors classified to level G, which is defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. The resistors covered herein are classified to level G, as defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-2-10:2023 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.


prEN IEC 60115-2-10:2024/prAA:2024

Pastovieji varžai, naudojami elektroninėje įrangoje. 2-10 dalis. Lentelinė detalioji specifikacija. G klasifikacijos lygio mažos galios sluoksniniai varžai su išvadais skyliniam montavimui spausdintinėse plokštėse, skirti bendrosios paskirties elektroninei įrangai