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Projekto etapai

1. Nauja darbo tema
2. Projektas
3. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2021-04-01 iki 2021-06-03
4. Closure of enquiry
5. Projekto priėmimas
6. Išleidimas (Paskelbimas Biuletenyje)


CEN Europos standartizacijos komitetas


55.180.20 - Bendrosios paskirties padėklai

Technikos komitetas

TK 42 Pakavimas

Užsienio technikos komitetas

CEN/TC 261

Komentarų skaičius


Taikymo sritis

This document specifies the performance requirements to establish nominal loads for new flat pallets. It also specifies the tests required for new flat pallets in various handling environments and the performance requirements for tests with payloads. This document does not apply to pallets with a fixed superstructure or a rigid, self-supporting container that can be mechanically attached to the pallet and which contributes to the strength of the pallet.


LST EN ISO 8611-2:2012
LST EN ISO 8611-2:2012/A1:2016