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Komentavimo iki data 2024-05-03

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CEN Europos standartizacijos komitetas


07.100.30 - Maisto mikrobiologija

Technikos komitetas

TK 51 Maisto analizė

Užsienio technikos komitetas

CEN/TC 463

Komentarų skaičius


Komentavimo pradžia


Taikymo sritis

This standard describes the detection and isolation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). The procedure includes the detection by Real Time PCR of the major virulence genes of STEC, stx1 and stx2 (Reference [2]) in enrichment cultures. Isolation of STEC from the enrichment culture is attempted if one or both stx genes are detected in the screening. This document is applicable to — products intended for human consumption, — products intended for animal feeding, — environmental samples in the area of food and feed production, handling, and — samples from the primary production stage.


LST CEN ISO/TS 13136:2013