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Projekto etapai

1. Decision on WI Proposal
2. Projektas
3. Viešoji apklausa
Nuo 2024-12-03 iki 2025-02-01
4. Closure of enquiry
5. Submission to Formal Vote


CEN Europos standartizacijos komitetas


11.080.10 - Sterilizavimo įranga

Technikos komitetas

TK 32 Sveikata

Užsienio technikos komitetas

CEN/TC 102

Komentarų skaičius


Komentavimo pradžia


Taikymo sritis

This document specifies requirements and tests for low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizers, which use a vaporized aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide as the sterilizing agent. These sterilizers are used for the sterilization of medical devices, particularly thermolabile medical devices. This document specifies minimum requirements • for the performance and design of sterilizers intended to deliver a process capable of sterilizing medical devices; • for the equipment and controls of these sterilizers needed for operation, control and monitoring, and which can be used for validation of the sterilization processes; • for the test equipment and test procedures used to verify the sterilizer performance specified by this document. This document does not specify requirements for equipment intended to process liquids, biological waste, or human tissues. This document does not describe a quality management system for the control of all stages of the manufacture of the sterilizer. This document does not specify requirements and tests for decontamination systems for use in rooms, enclosures, or environmental spaces. NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the standards for quality management, e.g. EN ISO 13485. NOTE 2 Environmental aspects of this standard are addressed in Annex H.