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ISO/DIS 9829 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-03
Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų valdymas. Reagavimas į pandemiją. Kontaktų atsekimas
prEN IEC 60749-26:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-02
Puslaidininkiniai įtaisai. Mechaninių ir klimatinių bandymų metodai. 26 dalis. Jautrumo elektrostatinėms iškrovoms bandymas. Žmogaus kūno modelis (HBM)
prEN IEC/ASTM 62885-6:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-02
Paviršių valymo prietaisai. 6 dalis. Buitiniai ar panašios paskirties drėgnojo kietų grindų valymo prietaisai. Eksploatacinių charakteristikų matavimo metodas

This part of IEC 62885 is applicable for measurements of the performance of mains-operated and cordless wet hard floor cleaning appliances for household or similar use. In the case of appliances with combined functionality, this document only addresses the wet cleaning functionality. The purpose of this document is to specify essential performance characteristics of wet hard floor cleaning appliances that are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics. NOTE 1 Owing to the influence of environmental conditions, variations in time, origin of test materials and proficiency of the operator, most of the described test methods give more reliable results when applied to comparative testing of a number of appliances at the same time, in the same laboratory and by the same operator. NOTE 2 This document is not intended for cleaning appliances according to IEC 60335-2-79 and robotic wet hard floor cleaning appliances. For safety requirements, reference is made to IEC 60335-1, IEC 60335-2-2, IEC 60335-2-10, and IEC 60335-2-54. A recommendation on information for the consumer at the point of sale is given in Annex B.

EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-01
Buitiniai dujiniai maisto gaminimo prietaisai. 1-1 dalis. Sauga. Bendrieji dalykai

This document specifies the requirements and methods of test for the safety and marking of freestanding and built-in domestic cooking appliances burning combustible gases given in EN 437:2021, referred to in the text as “appliances”. The appliances covered by this document are intended to be used in a domestic dwelling. This document covers the following types of domestic cooking appliances: - independent freestanding hobs; - independent built-in hobs; - hobs and grills; - table cookers; - freestanding ovens; - built-in ovens; - freestanding or built-in grills; - griddles; - freestanding cookers; - built-in cookers. This document also applies to gas cooking appliances incorporating electrical heating elements (e.g. gas-electric cooking appliances). For appliances intended to be used in caravans, or motorhomes/mobile homes or on board of ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary. This document does not apply to: a) outdoor appliances; b) appliances connected to a combustion products evacuation duct; c) appliances having a pyrolytic gas oven; d) appliances incorporating flame supervision devices and having an automatic ignition device for which the duration of the ignition attempt is limited by design; e) appliances equipped with a burner that is periodically ignited and extinguished under the control of an automatic on/off device; f) appliances equipped with an oven and/or with a grill having a fan: 1) either for the supply of combustion air or for the evacuation of the products of combustion; 2) or for the circulation of the products of combustion within the compartments; g) appliances incorporating one or more hob or grill burners that enable the user to program the delayed start of the cooking cycle; h) appliances of categories I2N, I2R, I3R, I2E(S), I2E(R), I2Esi, I2Er, I2R and the equivalent double and triple categories which include these indices; i) appliances of category II2E+3B. This document does not cover the requirements relating to third family gas cylinders, their pressure regulators and their connection.

prEN ISO 7214 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-01
Akytieji plastikai. Polietilenas. Bandymo metodai (ISO/DIS 7214:2024)

ISO 7214:2012 specifies methods for testing flexible and semi-rigid cellular plastics made from polyethylene. Cellular plastics containing copolymers of ethylene or blends of polymers with polyethylene may also be tested by the procedures of this International Standard provided these materials have characteristics similar to polyethylene as described in ISO 1872-1, or copolymers of ethylene as described in ISO 4613-1. Mandatory tests suitable for characterization of cellular polyethylene, regardless of end use, and optional tests for the determination of properties that are relevant to certain uses are described.

prEN ISO 15118-4 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-07
Kelių transporto priemonės. Transporto priemonės ir tinklo ryšio sąsaja. 4 dalis. Tinklo ir taikymo lygmenų protokolų atitikties tikrinimas (ISO/DIS 15118-4:2024)

ISO 15118-4:2018 specifies conformance tests in the form of an Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for a System Under Test (SUT) implementing an EVCC or SECC according to ISO 15118-2. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviors of an SUT as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2 and against what the supplier states the SUT implementation's capabilities are. The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2. The behavior tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as is practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2 and within the capabilities of the SUT (see NOTE). A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The conformance test cases in this document are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in TTCN-3 Core Language for ISO/OSI Network Layer (Layer 3) and above. The conformance test cases for the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) and Physical Layer (Layer 1) are described in ISO 15118-5. Test cases with overlapping scopes are explicitly detailed. This document does not include specific tests of other standards referenced within ISO 15118-2, e.g. IETF RFCs. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of performance nor robustness or reliability of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the test cases defined in this document only consider the communication protocol defined ISO 15118-2. Power flow between the EVSE and the EV is not considered. NOTE 1 Practical limitations make it impossible to define an exhaustive test suite, and economic considerations can restrict testing even further. Hence, the purpose of this document is to increase the probability that different implementations are able to interwork. This is achieved by verifying them by means of a protocol test suite, thereby increasing the confidence that each implementation conforms to the protocol specification. However, the specified protocol test suite cannot guarantee conformance to the specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. What it does do is give confidence that an implementation has the required capabilities and that its behavior conforms consistently in representative instances of communication. NOTE 2 This document has some interdependencies to the conformance tests defined in ISO 15118-5 which result from ISO/OSI cross layer dependencies in the underlying protocol specification (e.g. for sleep mode)

prEN 16820 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-01
Žarnų sąrankos, skirtos naudoti farmacijos ir biotechnologijų pramonėje su žarnomis iš nemetalinių medžiagų. Elastomerinės žarnos su įdėklu ar be jo

This document applies to type D and type SD hose assemblies with hoses made of elastomers and bonded plastics for the transport of gaseous, vaporous, liquid or powdery substances in the pharmaceutical and the biotechnological industries. It specifies the classification, manufacturing and testing of as well as the materials, requirements and quality surveillance for hose assemblies. These hose assemblies are intended to be used with the relevant substances at temperatures in the range from −30 °C to +100 °C, depending on the medium, and at operating pressures from −0,9 bar (vacuum) to 10 bar (see Table 2 and Table 3). For hoses with a lining made of PTFE and derivatives, temperatures from −30 °C to +140 °C are permissible. Hose assemblies in accordance with this document are classified into four types, A - D, A - SD. B - D, B - SD.

prEN IEC 61375-1:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-07
Elektroninė geležinkelio įranga. Traukinio ryšio tinklas (TCN). 1 dalis. Bendroji architektūra
prEN 17180 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-01
Medicininiai sterilizatoriai. Sterilizatoriai, kuriuose naudojami žemos temperatūros vandenilio peroksido garai. Reikalavimai ir bandymai

This document specifies requirements and tests for low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizers, which use a vaporized aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide as the sterilizing agent. These sterilizers are used for the sterilization of medical devices, particularly thermolabile medical devices. This document specifies minimum requirements • for the performance and design of sterilizers intended to deliver a process capable of sterilizing medical devices; • for the equipment and controls of these sterilizers needed for operation, control and monitoring, and which can be used for validation of the sterilization processes; • for the test equipment and test procedures used to verify the sterilizer performance specified by this document. This document does not specify requirements for equipment intended to process liquids, biological waste, or human tissues. This document does not describe a quality management system for the control of all stages of the manufacture of the sterilizer. This document does not specify requirements and tests for decontamination systems for use in rooms, enclosures, or environmental spaces. NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the standards for quality management, e.g. EN ISO 13485. NOTE 2 Environmental aspects of this standard are addressed in Annex H.

prEN 50090-6-2:2024 Naujas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-31
Elektroninės namų ir pastatų sistemos (ENPS). 6-2 dalis. Daiktų interneto semantinės ontologijos modelio aprašymas

This document defines the HBES Information Model and a corresponding data exchange format for the Home and Building HBES Open Communication System.

prEN IEC 60794-1-130:2024 Naujas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-31
Optiniai skaiduliniai kabeliai. 1-130 dalis. Bendroji specifikacija. Pagrindinės optinių kabelių bandymo procedūros. Mechaninių bandymų metodai. Kabelių dinaminės trinties koeficientas, E30 metodas
prEN 50173-10:2024 Naujas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-31
Informacinės technologijos. Bendrosios paskirties kabelių sistemos. 10 dalis. Vienaporiai kabeliai

This document specifies 1-pair cabling and can be used in conjunction with all the space-specific standards of the EN 50173 series but especially EN 50173-3 and EN 50173-6. NOTE 1-pair cabling for EN 50173-2, EN 50173-4 and EN 50173-5 is for further study. It delivers 1-pair cabling specifications to extend generic cabling systems according to the EN 50173 series. This document specifies the: - structure and minimum configuration for extension of generic cabling by 1-pair cabling; - interfaces at the service outlet (SO/TO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This document takes into account the requirements specified in application standards listed in Annex C.

prEN ISO 20417 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Medicinos priemonės. Gamintojo pateiktina informacija (ISO 20417:2024)

NOTE 1        There is guidance or rationale for this Clause contained in Clause A.2. This document specifies the requirements for information supplied by the manufacturer for a medical device or by the manufacturer for an accessory, as defined in 3.1. This document includes the generally applicable requirements for identification and labels on a medical device or accessory, the packaging, marking of a medical device or accessory, and accompanying information. This document does not specify the means by which the information is to be supplied. NOTE 2        Some authorities having jurisdiction impose different requirements for the identification, marking and documentation of a medical device or accessory. Specific requirements of medical device product standards or group standards take precedence over requirements of this document.

prEN 13856 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Suskystintų naftos dujų (SND) įranga ir pagalbiniai reikmenys. Automobilinių SND sistemų naudotojo vadovo turiniui keliami mažiausieji reikalavimai

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the contents of the user manual for Automotive LPG propulsion systems fitted in road vehicles. This document does not cover the user manual for forklift trucks or other industrial machinery.

prEN 4913 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - Use of regrinds and recycled materials in thermoplastic parts

This document provides guidance for the use of regrinds and recycled materials for thermoplastic parts for aerospace applications. The purpose of this document is to specify design and quality requirements. It does not specify process instructions or specific material requirements; these are specified in the processors process instructions and applicable material specifications.

prEN 4855-02 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - ECO efficiency of catering equipment - Part 02: Oven equipment

This document specifies a test procedure to identify performance characteristics and a weight rating of convection and steam ovens used on aircraft. Furthermore, it specifies the calculation procedure to determine an energy consumption index and a performance index. There is no direct correlation between the ECO efficiency and cooking performance in terms of food quality and appearance. The two index values represent the ECO efficiency.

prEN 18143 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Maisto perdirbimo mašinos. Picų tešlos kočiojimo mašinos. Saugos ir higienos reikalavimai

1.1 This document specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of pizza dough sheeters which: a) are intended to be used: 1) for producing mainly pizza dough bases in shops and craft activities (i.e. pizzerias, takeaway pizza shops, craft bakeries and/or pastries, catering facilities, etc.); 2) for flattening and enlarging pieces of dough; 3) only for professional use; 4) by one operator at a time; 5) as standalone table-top machines only; 6) only with manual feeding of the pieces of pizza dough by gravity; 7) only with manual unloading of the flattened and enlarged pieces of pizza dough; b) are fitted with: 1) at most two pairs of flattening rollers, the rollers of a pair having the same diameter and the same length; 2) flattening rollers having: i. diameter ≤ 60 mm; ii. fixed direction of the rotation such as to move the pizza dough from top to bottom; iii. motor(s) for the rotation of the flattening rollers which transmit a power ≤ 0,50 kW to each pair of rollers 1.2 The following relevant hazards are not covered by this document: - hazards arising from the use of an automatic loading and/or unloading system; - hazards due to packaging, handling and transport; - hazards due to ambiguous and/or not easily understandable information needed to control the machine. This document does not deal with any specific requirement on noise emitted from pizza dough sheeters as the generated noise does not cause a relevant hazard. The significant hazards covered by this document are described in Annex A. 1.3 The following machines are excluded from the scope of this document: - domestic (household) appliances; - machines with automatic feeding of the pizza dough pieces and/or unloading of the pizza bases; - machines with feeding of the lumps other than by gravity; - machines to process other products than pizza dough; - bagel machines; - dough sheeters (see EN 1674:2015); - moulders (see EN 12041:2014); - sheeters for pasta dough processing; - experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer. 1.4 This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard.

prEN 71-7 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Žaislų sauga. 7 dalis. Pirštais tepami dažai. Reikalavimai ir bandymo metodai

This part of EN 71 specifies requirements for the substances and materials used in finger paints and applies to finger paints only. Additional requirements are specified for markings, labelling and containers. NOTE EN 71-3 and EN 71-12 specify requirements and test methods for finger paints for the migration of certain elements (see F.4) and N-nitrosamines (see F.9).

prEN 6059-305 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation - Protection sleeves - Test methods - Part 305: Fluid absorption

This document specifies a method to verify the fluid repellent properties of protection sleeve for electrical cable and cable bundles. It is used together with EN 6059 100.

prEN 6059-302 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation - Protection sleeves - Test methods - Part 302: High temperature exposure

This document specifies a method for the high temperature exposure of protection sleeve for electrical cable and cable bundles for aerospace application. It is used together with EN 6059-100.

prEN ISO 6876 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Odontologija. Endodontiniai užpildai (ISO/DIS 6876:2024)

ISO 6876:2012 specifies requirements and test methods for root canal (endodontic) sealing materials which set with or without the assistance of moisture and are used for permanent obturation of the root canal with or without the aid of obturating points/cones. It only covers sealers intended for orthograde use, i.e. a root filling placed from the coronal aspect of a tooth.

prEN 4163 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - Screws 100° countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, coarse tolerance normal shank, long thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 °C

This document specifies the characteristics of screws, 100° countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, coarse tolerance normal shank, long thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated. Classification: 1 100 MPa /235 °C .

prEN 2583 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-30
Aerospace series - Bolts, MJ threads, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1 275 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 °C - Technical specification

This document specifies the characteristics, qualification and acceptance requirements for bolts with MJ threads in NI-PH2601. Classification: 1 275 MPa /650 °C .

prEN 18141 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-29
Geležinkelio taikmenys. Stabdymas. Avarinis mygtukas

This document specifies the requirements for the function, design, performance, and testing of emergency push buttons that are installed in train’s driving’s cab. This document is applicable for emergency push button. This document is not applicable for emergency handle.

EN IEC 60384-14:2023/prA1:2024 Archyvuotas
Komentavimo iki data 2025-01-26
Elektroninėje įrangoje naudojami pastovieji kondensatoriai. 14 dalis. Atskiroji specifikacija. Pastovieji kondensatoriai, naudojami elektromagnetiniams trukdžiams malšinti ir jungiami prie maitinimo tinkle. 1 keitinys
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Technikos komitetas
TK 1 Elektronika (16) TK 5 Elektrotechnika (6) TK 8 Elektromagnetinis suderinamumas (5) TK 9 Baldai (1) TK 12 Automobilių keliai (2) TK 15 Grūdai, grūdų produktai, duona, pašarai (4) TK 18 Telekomunikacijos (5) TK 19 Betonas ir gelžbetonis (1) TK 20 Žaislai, vaikų naudojami daiktai bei sporto ir aktyvaus poilsio įranga (5) TK 21 Tekstilė (1) TK 22 Priešgaisrinė sauga (5) TK 23 Keraminės plytelės, mūras ir gamtinis akmuo (1) TK 24 Kokybės vadyba ir kokybės užtikrinimas (1) TK 26 Termoizoliacinės medžiagos (3) TK 28 Dujų sistemos (1) TK 29 Vandentvarka (1) TK 31 Akustika (1) TK 32 Sveikata (13) TK 35 Mašinų sauga (5) TK 36 Aplinkos apsauga (2) TK 38 Statybinės konstrukcijos (3) TK 39 Apsauga (3) TK 40 Nafta ir naftos produktai (1) TK 41 Suvirinimas (3) TK 43 Geležinkelių transportas (9) TK 45 Elektros energetika (3) TK 48 Juvelyriniai dirbiniai (sustabdyta veikla) (1) TK 49 Metalinės medžiagos (6) TK 50 Šildymo ir vėdinimo sistemos (2) TK 51 Maisto analizė (2) TK 52 Oftalmologinė optika ir lazeriai (2) TK 54 Pagalbos priemonės asmenims su negalia (1) TK 56 Naftos pramonės įrenginiai (4) TK 58 Ugniai atsparūs gaminiai ir medžiagos (sustabdyta veikla) (1) TK 60 Langai ir durys (2) TK 63 Dujų balionai ir kriogeniniai indai (2) TK 66 Neardomieji bandymai (4) TK 68 Plastikai (6) TK 76 Sprogiosios atmosferos (1) TK 77 Liftai (1) TK 79 Informacijos saugumas (6) TK 80 Kelių transportas ir telematika (1) TK 82 Nebėginių antžeminių transporto priemonių sauga (6) TK 84 Dūmtraukiai ir kietojo kuro deginimo prietaisai (1) TK 88 Statinio informacinis modeliavimas (BIM) (3)
Aliejingosios sėklos (1) Aliumininės konstrukcijos (1) Anestezijos, kvėpavimo ir reanimacijos įranga (4) Aplinkos ekonomika. Tvarumas (3) Apsauga nuo gaisro (2) Apsauga nuo spinduliuotės (1) Apsauginė apranga (1) Atsparumas trukdžiams (3) Aukštojo dažnio jungtys (1) Baldai (1) Bėgiai ir geležinkelio komponentai (1) Bendraašiai kabeliai. Bangolaidžiai (1) Betonas ir betono gaminiai (1) Buitiniai automatiniai valdymo įtaisai (2) Buitiniai šaldymo prietaisai (1) Chemikalai pramoninei ir buitinei dezinfekcijai (1) Cilindrai (1) Daugialygmenės sistemos (1) Dažai ir lakai (1) Degalų tiekimo sistemos (1) Diagnostikos įranga (1) Dujų balionai (1) Dujų degikliai (2) Dujų slėginiai indai ir balionai (1) Durys ir langai (1) Elektrinė ir elektroninė įranga (2) Elektrinės kelių transporto priemonės (3) Elektriniai aparatai, naudojami sprogiosiose atmosferose (1) Elektroakustika (1) Elektros perdavimo ir skirstomosios linijos (1) Elektros tiekimo sistemos (1) Energetika ir šilumos perdavimo inžinerija. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Galvos apsaugos priemonės (1) Gaminio gyvavimo ciklai (1) Geležinkelių inžinerijos medžiagos ir komponentai (1) Geležinkelių riedmenys. Bendrieji dalykai (3) Geležinkelių tiesyba (2) Generatoriniai agregatai (1) Geriamasis vanduo (1) Grafiniai specialiosios įrangos simboliai ir ženklai (1) Grindų dangos (3) Guma ir plastikai (1) Įmonės veiklos organizavimas ir vadyba. Bendrieji dalykai (2) IT pramonėje (2) IT saugumas (8) IT statybos pramonėje (2) IT transporte (1) Juvelyriniai dirbiniai (1) Kanalizacijos sistemos (1) Keleivių salonų ir lakūnų kabinų įranga (1) Kelių tiesimo medžiagos (2) Kelių transportas (1) Kietojo kuro šildytuvai (1) Kištukai, kištukiniai lizdai, jungtys (1) Kita kėlimo įranga (1) Kita laisvalaikio įranga (1) Kita medicinos įranga (1) Kita skaidulinė optinio ryšio įranga (1) Kiti chemijos pramonės gaminiai (1) Kiti standartai, susiję su laboratorine medicina (1) Kiti su elektromagnetiniu suderinamumu susiję aspektai (1) Klimatiniai bandymai (3) Kniedės (1) Kojų ir pėdų apsauga (1) Kokybė ir aplinkos apsaugos vadyba sveikatos priežiūroje (1) Komerciniai šaldymo prietaisai (2) Komponentai ir pagalbiniai reikmenys. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Konvejeriai (1) Konvejerių komponentai (4) Kosminės sistemos ir jų eksploatavimas (1) Kvėpavimo organų apsaugos priemonės (1) Lauko ir vandens sporto įranga (3) Lubos. Grindys. Laiptai (1) Magnetinės medžiagos (1) Maisto mikrobiologija (1) Maisto pramonės įrenginiai ir įranga (2) Mašinų sauga (2) Mažieji laivai (1) Medicinos įranga. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Miltelių metalurgija (1) Mineralinės medžiagos ir gaminiai (1) Modernioji keramika (1) Multimedijos sistemos ir telekonferencijų įranga (1) Naftos produktai. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Naftos produktų ir gamtinių dujų transportavimo įranga (2) Navigacijos ir valdymo įranga (1) Neardomieji bandymai (4) Nelegiruotasis plienas (1) Nerūdijantysis plienas (1) Nuotakynai (1) Odontologinės medžiagos (1) Odos ir kailiai (5) Optinės skaidulos ir kabeliai (3) Optoelektronika. Lazerinė įranga (2) Orlaivių ir erdvėlaivių elektros įranga ir sistemos (5) Pagalbinės priemonės, skirtos šlapimo ir išmatų nelaikantiems žmonėms (1) Pastovieji kondensatoriai (3) Paviršiaus apdorojimas (1) Paviršiaus paruošimas (1) Pjezoelektriniai įtaisai (1) Plastikiniai vamzdynai (2) Plieninės konstrukcijos (1) Pramonės automatizavimo sistemos (1) Puslaidininkiniai įtaisai. Bendrieji dalykai (4) Putplasčiai (1) Rišikliai (1) Sandėliavimo įranga (1) Sienos. Pertvaros. Fasadai (2) Šiluminė pastatų izoliacija (1) Šilumos ir garso izoliacinės medžiagos (2) Siurbliai (1) Skaiduliniai optiniai sujungimo įtaisai (2) Spalviniai kodai (1) Specialiosios transporto priemonės (1) Spinduliavimas (1) Spinduliuotės matavimas (1) Statybinis stiklas (1) Statybinių medžiagų ir elementų atsparumas ugniai (1) Statybos įranga (1) Statybos pramonė. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Sterilizavimo įranga (1) Suvirinimas, kietasis ir minkštasis litavimas. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Suvirinimo įranga (1) Sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Techniniai aspektai (1) Telekomunikacijos. Garso ir vaizdo inžinerija (5) Termoplastinės medžiagos (1) Tinklai (1) Ugniai atsparios medžiagos (1) Valymo prietaisai (1) Vandens tyrimas. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Varpinių ir ankštinių javų grūdai bei jų gaminiai (3) Varžtai, sraigtai, smeigės (2) Vėdinimo ir oro kondicionavimo sistemos (1) Veržlės (2) Vibracijos, smūgiai ir jų poveikis žmogui (1) Vidaus vandenų laivai (1) Viryklės, krosnelės ir panašūs prietaisai (1) Žaislai (2) Žarnos ir jų sąrankos (1) Žemosios įtampos perjungimo ir valdymo įrenginiai (1) Žvalgybos, gręžimo ir gavybos įranga (2)