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EN IEC 60974-10:2021/prA1:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-14
Lankinio suvirinimo įranga. 10 dalis. Elektromagnetinio suderinamumo (EMS) reikalavimai
prEN IEC 62541-2:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-04
OPC unifikuotoji architektūra. 2 dalis. Saugumo modelis
prEN ISO 8528-13 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-16
Generatoriniai kintamosios srovės agregatai su stūmokliniu vidaus degimo varikliu. 13 dalis. Sauga (ISO/DIS 8528-13:2024)

ISO 8528-13:2016 specifies the safety requirements for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven generating sets up to 1 000 V consisting of an RIC engine, an alternating current (AC) generator including the additional equipment required for operating, e.g. controlgear, switchgear, auxiliary equipment. It is applicable to generating sets for land and marine use (domestic, recreational and industrial application). It is not applicable to generating sets used on board of seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units as well as on aircraft or to propel road vehicles and locomotives. NOTE This part of ISO 8528 does not apply to arc welding equipment (IEC 60974 series). The special requirements needed to cover operation in potentially explosive atmospheres are not covered in this part of ISO 8528. The hazards relevant to RIC engine driven generating sets are identified in Annex A. ISO 8528-13:2016 deals with the special requirements of test and safety design which should be observed in addition to the definitions and requirements in ISO 8528-1, ISO 8528-2, ISO 8528-3, ISO 8528-4, ISO 8528-5 and ISO 8528-6, where applicable. It specifies safety requirements in order to protect the user from danger.

prEN ISO 22043 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-13
Valgomųjų ledų šaldikliai. Klasifikacija, reikalavimai ir bandymo sąlygos (ISO/DIS 22043:2024)

This document specifies the classification for horizontal closed ice-cream freezer with access of the product from the top via transparent or solid lid(s) and specifies their requirements and test methods. The ice-cream freezers defined in this document are different from supermarket segment freezers, as they work with static air cooling, with a skin evaporator (no evaporator fan) and are used specifically for the storage and display of pre-packed ice-cream. This document is only applicable to integral type refrigeration systems. It is not applicable to remote and secondary system type cabinets. Ice-cream freezers defined in this document are intended to have a net volume ≤600 l. For transparent lid ice-cream freezers only, they are intended to have a net volume/TDA ≥ 0,35 m.

prEN ISO 17510 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-13
Medicinos priemonės. Miego apnėjos kvėpavimo terapija. Kaukės ir pagalbiniai jų naudojimo reikmenys (ISO 17510:2024)

ISO 17510:2015 applies to masks and their accessories used to connect a sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment to the patient. It specifies requirements for masks and accessories, including any connecting element, that are required to connect the patient-connection port of sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment to a patient for the application of sleep apnoea breathing therapy (e.g. nasal masks, exhaust ports and headgear).

prEN ISO 12100 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-13
Mašinų sauga. Bendrieji projektavimo principai. Rizikos vertinimas ir jos mažinimas (ISO/DIS 12100:2024)

ISO 12100:2010 specifies basic terminology, principles and a methodology for achieving safety in the design of machinery. It specifies principles of risk assessment and risk reduction to help designers in achieving this objective. These principles are based on knowledge and experience of the design, use, incidents, accidents and risks associated with machinery. Procedures are described for identifying hazards and estimating and evaluating risks during relevant phases of the machine life cycle, and for the elimination of hazards or sufficient risk reduction. Guidance is given on the documentation and verification of the risk assessment and risk reduction process. ISO 12100:2010 is also intended to be used as a basis for the preparation of type-B or type-C safety standards. It does not deal with risk and/or damage to domestic animals, property or the environment.

prIEC 60287-3-2 Ed.3.0 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-12
Elektros kabeliai. Srovės verčių skaičiavimas. 3-2 dalis. Veikimo sąlygos. Galios kabelių dydžio ekonominis optimizavimas
prEN IEC 63508:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-12
Bendrųjų duomenų žodyno (CDD) duomenų bazė. Buitiniai jungtuvai ir panašūs įtaisai
prEN IEC 60645-7:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-12
Elektroakustika. Audiometrinė įranga. 7 dalis. Garsinio dirginimo sužadinto potencialo matuokliai
prEN ISO 29481-1 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-09
Statinio informaciniai modeliai. Informacijos pateikimo vadovas. 1 dalis. Metodika ir formatas (ISO/DIS 29481-1:2024)

ISO 29481-1:2016 specifies - a methodology that links the business processes undertaken during the construction of built facilities with the specification of information that is required by these processes, and - a way to map and describe the information processes across the life cycle of construction works. ISO 29481-1:2016 is intended to facilitate interoperability between software applications used during all stages of the life cycle of construction works, including briefing, design, documentation, construction, operation and maintenance, and demolition. It promotes digital collaboration between actors in the construction process and provides a basis for accurate, reliable, repeatable and high-quality information exchange.

EN ISO 16140-3:2021/prA1:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-11
Maisto grandinės mikrobiologija. Metodo validavimas. 3 dalis. Pamatinių ir validuotų alternatyvių metodų verifikavimo atskiroje laboratorijoje protokolas. 1 keitinys. Validuoti mikroorganizmų identifikavimo metodai. Techninis verifikavimo protokolas (ISO 16140-3:2021/DAmd1:2024)
EN ISO 16140-4:2020/prA2 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-11
Maisto grandinės mikrobiologija. Metodo validavimas. 4 dalis. Metodo validavimo atskiroje laboratorijoje protokolas. 2 keitinys. Mikroorganizmų identifikavimo metodų validavimo atskiroje laboratorijoje protokolas (ISO 16140-4:2020/DAM 2:2024)
prEN ISO 16530 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-14
Naftos ir dujų pramonė, įskaitant mažesnio anglies dioksido pėdsako energijos gamybą. Gręžinio vientisumas. Gyvavimo ciklo valdymas (ISO/DIS 16530:2024)

ISO 16530-1:2017 is applicable to all wells that are operated by the petroleum and natural gas industry. This document is applicable to any well, or group of wells, regardless of their age, location (including onshore, subsea and offshore wells) or type (e.g. naturally flowing, artificial lift, injection wells). ISO 16530-1:2017 is intended to assist the petroleum and natural gas industry to effectively manage well integrity during the well life cycle by providing: - minimum requirements to ensure management of well integrity; and - recommendations and techniques that well operators can apply in a scalable manner based on a well's specific risk characteristics. Assuring well integrity comprises two main building blocks: the first is to ensure well integrity during well design and construction, and the second is to manage well integrity throughout the remaining well life thereafter. This document addresses each stage of the well life cycle, as defined by the six phases in a) to f), and describes the deliverables between each phase within a Well Integrity Management system. a) The "Basis of Design Phase" identifies the probable safety and environmental exposure to surface and subsurface hazards and risks that can be encountered during the well life cycle. Once identified, these hazards and risks are assessed such that control methods of design and operation can be developed in subsequent phases of the well life cycle. b) The "Design Phase" identifies the controls that are to be incorporated into the well design, such that appropriate barriers can be established to manage the identified safety and environmental hazards. The design addresses the expected, or forecasted, changes during the well life cycle and ensures that the required barriers in the well's design are based on risk exposure to people and the environment. c) The "Construction Phase" defines the required or recommended elements to be constructed (including rework/repair) and verification tasks to be performed in order to achieve the intended design. It addresses any variations from the design which require a revalidation against the identified hazards and risks. d) The "Operational Phase" defines the requirements or recommendations and methods for managing well integrity during operation. e) The "Intervention Phase" (including work-over) defines the minimum requirements or recommendations for assessing well barriers prior to, and after, any well intervention that involves breaking the established well barrier containment system. f) The "Abandonment Phase" defines the requirements or recommendations for permanently abandoning a well. The six phases of the well life cycle, as defined in this Scope, and their interrelationships, are illustrated in Figure 1 in the Introduction. ISO 16530-1:2017 is not applicable to well control. Well control refers to activities implemented to prevent or mitigate unintentional release of formation fluids from the well to its surroundings during drilling, completion, intervention and well abandonment operations, and involves dynamic elements, i.e. BOPs, mud pumps, mud systems, etc. ISO 16530-1:2017 is not applicable to wellbore integrity, sometimes referred to as "borehole stability". Wellbore integrity is the capacity of the drilled open hole to maintain its shape and remain intact after having been drilled.

prEN ISO 12487 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-11
Elektrinė medicinos įranga. Medicininių termometrų klinikinių charakteristikų įvertinimas (ISO/DIS 12487:2024)

This document specifies the requirements and methods for the clinical investigation of ME equipment used to measure the body temperature in indirect measurement mode. This document covers both intermittently and continuously measuring clinical thermometers. NOTE           For clinical thermometers in direct measurement mode determining the technical accuracy in accordance with IEC 80601-2-56 is typically sufficient. This document specifies additional disclosure requirements. This document is not applicable to the clinical investigation of a screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening whose laboratory accuracy requirements are described in IEC 80601-2-59.

prEN 17483-4 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-11
Privačios saugumo užtikrinimo paslaugos. Ypatingos svarbos infrastruktūros apsauga. 4 dalis. Energetikos sektoriaus saugumo užtikrinimo paslaugos

This document includes the sector specific requirements for the provision of private security services in the energy sector that are additional to the requirements of EN 17483 1. It specifies service requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security service provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to security services in the energy sector. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in the energy sector requested by public and private clients. This document is suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider of security services in the energy sector. NOTE 1 This document is the Part 4 of a series of standards on the provision of private security services for critical infrastructure. See Figure 2. [Figure 2] NOTE 2 It is important that the selection of a private security service provider always represents the best balance between quality and price. This document sets out the minimum requirements that providers are expected to comply with in order for this balance to be struck. It specifies service requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security service provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to security services in the energy sector. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in the energy sector requested by public and private clients. This document is suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider of security services in the energy sector. This document is not applicable to private security services in nuclear power plants. List of possible activities Activities for PSCs in CIP in the energy sector: 1. Perimeter Protection and Surveillance: — Human – reception services, static guarding, patrols, possibly K9; — Technology – CCTV, Drones, others; — Operation of a control/monitoring room; — Operation of an alarm monitoring centre; — Access Control and Management (tourniquets, barriers, authorization and badges). 2. Human and technology, e.g. use of screening and detection equipment for: — Vehicles; — Goods; — Visitors; — Staff; — Contractors (means: human and technology, e.g. use of screening and detection equipment); 3. Site and off-site Protection and Surveillance / static securing & patrolling on-site and within the building; 4. Emergency response / crisis management; — Alarm intervention; — First responders (EHS – Emergency Health Services);

prEN IEC 62192-1:2024 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-07
Izoliaciniai lynai elektros darbams. 1 dalis. Darbas įtampingojoje zonoje ar esant sąlyčiui su įtampingosiomis dalimis
prEN ISO 80601-2-74 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Elektrinė medicinos įranga. 2-74 dalis. Ypatingieji būtinosios saugos ir esminių eksploatacinių charakteristikų reikalavimai, keliami drėkinamajai kvėpavimo įrangai (ISO/DIS 80601-2-74:2021)

This document applies to the basic safety and essential performance of a humidifier, also hereafter referred to as ME equipment, in combination with its accessories, the combination also hereafter referred to as ME system. This document is also applicable to those accessories intended by their manufacturer to be connected to a humidifier where the characteristics of those accessories can affect the basic safety or essential performance of the humidifier. EXAMPLE 1         Heated breathing tubes (heated-wire breathing tubes) or ME equipment intended to control these heated breathing tubes (heated breathing tube controllers). NOTE 1        Heated breathing tubes and their controllers are ME equipment and are subject to the requirements of IEC 60601‑1. NOTE 2        ISO 5367 specifies other safety and performance requirements for breathing tubes. This document includes requirements for the different medical uses of humidification, such as invasive ventilation, non-invasive ventilation, nasal high-flow therapy, and obstructive sleep apnoea therapy, as well as humidification therapy for tracheostomy patients. NOTE 3        A humidifier can be integrated into other equipment. When this is the case, the requirements of the other equipment also apply to the humidifier. EXAMPLE 2         Heated humidifier incorporated into a critical care ventilator where ISO 80601‑2-12[10] also applies. EXAMPLE 3         Heated humidifier incorporated into a homecare ventilator for dependent patients where ISO 80601‑2-72[12] also applies. EXAMPLE 4         Heated humidifier incorporated into sleep apnoea therapy equipment where ISO 80601‑2‑70[11] also applies. EXAMPLE 5         Heated humidifier incorporated into ventilatory support equipment where either ISO 80601-2-79[13] or ISO 80601-2-80[14] also apply. EXAMPLE 6         Heated humidifier incorporated into respiratory high-flow therapy equipment where ISO 80601‑2‑90[15] also applies. This document also includes requirements for an active HME (heat and moisture exchanger), ME equipment which actively adds heat and moisture to increase the humidity level of the gas delivered from the HME to the patient. This document is not applicable to a passive HME, which returns a portion of the expired moisture and heat of the patient to the respiratory tract during inspiration without adding heat or moisture. NOTE 4        ISO 9360‑1 and ISO 9360‑2[4] specify safety and performance requirements for a passive HME. NOTE 5        If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME equipment only, or to ME systems only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME equipment and to ME systems, as relevant. Hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of ME equipment or ME systems within the scope of this document are not covered by specific requirements in this document except in IEC 60601‑1:2005+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2020, 7.2.13 and 8.4.1. NOTE 6        Additional information can be found in IEC 60601‑1:2005+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2020, 4.2. This document does not specify the requirements for cold pass-over or cold bubble-through humidification devices, the requirements for which are given in ISO 20789[6]. This document is not applicable to equipment commonly referred to as “room humidifiers” or humidifiers used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, or humidifiers incorporated into infant incubators. This

prEN ISO 80601-2-90 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Elektrinė medicinos įranga. 2-90 dalis. Ypatingieji būtinosios saugos ir esminių eksploatacinių charakteristikų reikalavimai, keliami ventiliacinei didelio srauto deguonies terapijos įrangai (ISO/DIS 80601-2-90:2024)

This document applies to the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory high-flow therapy equipment, as defined in 201.3.220, hereafter also referred to as ME equipment or ME system, in combination with its accessories: —   intended for use with patients who can breathe spontaneously; and —   intended for patients who would benefit from improved alveolar gas exchange; and who would benefit from receiving high-flow humidified respiratory gases, which can include a patient whose upper airway is bypassed. EXAMPLE 1 Patients with Type 1 Respiratory Failure who exhibit a reduction in arterial blood oxygenation. EXAMPLE 2 Patients who would benefit from reduced work of breathing, as needed in Type 2 Respiratory Failure, where arterial carbon dioxide is high. EXAMPLE 3 Patients requiring humidification to improve mucociliary clearance. Respiratory high-flow therapy equipment can be intended for use in the home healthcare environment or intended for use in professional healthcare facilities. NOTE 1        In the home healthcare environment, the supply mains is often not reliable. Respiratory high-flow therapy equipment can be: —   fully integrated ME equipment; or —   a combination of separate items forming a ME system. This standard also applies to other types of respiratory equipment when that equipment includes a respiratory high-flow therapy mode. NOTE 2  This standard and ISO 80601-2-12[14] are applicable to a critical care ventilator with a high-flow therapy mode. Respiratory high-flow therapy equipment can be transit-operable. This document is also applicable to those accessories intended by their manufacturer to be connected to the respiratory high-flow therapy equipment, where the characteristics of those accessories can affect the basic safety or essential performance of the respiratory high-flow therapy equipment. EXAMPLE 4         Breathing sets, connectors, humidifier, breathing system filter, external electrical power source, distributed alarm system, high-flow nasal cannula, tracheal tube, tracheostomy tube, face mask and supra-laryngeal airway. If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME equipment only, or to ME systems only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME equipment and to ME systems, as relevant. Hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of ME equipment or ME systems within the scope of this document are not covered by specific requirements in this document except in the general standard, 7.2.13 and 8.4.1. NOTE 3        Additional information can be found in the general standard, 4.2. This document does not specify the requirements for: —    ventilators or accessories for ventilator-dependent patients intended for critical care applications, which are given in ISO 80601‑2‑12[14]; —    ventilators or accessories intended for anaesthetic applications, which are given in ISO 80601‑2‑13[15]; —    ventilators or accessories intended for the emergency medical services environment, which are given in ISO 80601‑2‑84[20]; —    ventilators or accessories intended for ventilator-dependent patients in the home healthcare environment, which are given in ISO 80601‑2‑72[17]; —    ventilatory support equipment or accessories intended for patients with ventilatory impairment, which are given in ISO 80601‑2‑79[18]; —    ventilatory support equipment or accessories intended for patients with ven

prEN ISO 22044 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Prekybiniai gėrimų šaldytuvai. Klasifikacija, reikalavimai ir bandymo sąlygos (ISO/DIS 22044:2024)

This document specifies the classification for commercial beverage coolers and their requirements and test methods. This document is applicable to integral refrigeration systems. This document is not applicable to remote and secondary system cabinets.

prEN ISO 15957 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Bandymo dulkės oro valymo įrangai įvertinti (ISO/DIS 15957:2024)

ISO 15957:2015 defines the properties of load test dusts used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) air filters as well as air cleaning equipment in laboratories. Test dusts used for evaluation of efficiency performance are not included.

prEN 13364 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Gamtinio akmens bandymo metodai. Ardomosios apkrovos nustatymas naudojant į skylę įkišamą kaištį ir į įpjovą įkišamą geležtę

This document specifies a test method to determine the breaking load for two fixing methods available for natural stones used for cladding or lining in building. These two methods refer to: a) dowel-hole, and b) slot-blade fixing.

prEN 9241 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Aerospace series - Programme management - Execution logic

The scope of the present document is to provide the elements needed for elaborating the programme execution logic and drafting the execution plan for the realization of a product. NOTE 1 In this document, the term “logic” alone is sometimes used for “execution logic”. NOTE 2 In this document, the term “product” is used to designate the object of the program concerned, and the term “system” is used to designate the product for anything related to system engineering. NOTE 3 The product is also considered a “system-of-interest” and its enabling systems are also taken into account. The execution logic and plan enable customers/suppliers to reach an agreement on how their respective processes and activities can be organized. The aim is to enable each actor in the programme to manage their activities with sufficient visibility of the sequencing of the other stakeholders’ activities. This document belongs to the documents supporting EN 9200 relating to the programme management specification. The present document describes the principles of programme execution logic and defines the corresponding management requirements. This description is supplemented: - on the one hand, in terms of execution logic principles, by: o the challenges of a basic logic common to all actors (synchronization); o the applicable criteria to set up this basic logic; o the translation of this logic into the programme processes; - on the other hand, in terms of implementing the execution logic, by: o the procedures for practical implementation of the management requirements defined in EN 9200; o adaptations of the logic according to the various constraints and specificities of the programme, and justification of these adaptations; o the consistency between the basic logic at system level and the logics at subsystem and constituent levels. The breakdown of clauses as used in this document gives a gradual understanding of the approach to be adopted to construct an execution logic. For instance: - Clause 5 presents the end-purpose of a programme execution logic as well as the associated basic concepts and the constituents of this logic; - Clause 6 describes and characterizes the process for building the logic; - Clause 7 concerns change control to the execution logic; - Clause 8 concentrates on the importance of capitalization and lessons learned. This document applies to aeronautical, space and defence programmes. The principles can be extended to other areas of activity. It applies to realization of a single product, of several samples or of a series. It applies to any customer/supplier level, while ensuring consistency between successive levels. The principles described concern all programme actors, from initial expression of need through to closure of the programme.

prEN 18144 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Internetiniai lošimai. Žalingos elgsenos požymiai, naudojami rizikingo ir problemiško elgesio lošiant nustatymui ir prevencijai

This document defines markers of harm in online gambling and is characterized by its specific and delimited scope. It is a minimum set of markers to analyse. The individual indicators can be analysed over additional time spans as well as in excess of those required, and other markers can be added to the analysis as well. In the event that the collection or analysis of data for a limited set of markers is prohibited within a specific jurisdiction (for example, where legislation prevents it), operators can still be compliant with the standard provided that only these markers are omitted, and only for players who fall under that specific jurisdiction. This document does not provide guidelines regarding the interventions to be employed when addressing individuals with gambling issues, nor does it establish predefined thresholds for intervention.

prEN ISO 14116 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Apsauginiai drabužiai. Apsauga nuo liepsnos. Riboto liepsnos plitimo medžiagos, jų deriniai ir apranga (ISO/DIS 14116:2024)

ISO 14116:2015 specifies the performance requirements for the limited flame spread properties of all materials, all material assemblies, and protective clothing in order to reduce the possibility of the clothing burning when in occasional and brief contact with small flames and thereby constituting a hazard. Additional requirements for clothing are also specified, including design requirements, mechanical requirements, marking, and information supplied by the manufacturer. When protection against heat hazards is necessary, in addition to protection against flame, this International Standard is not appropriate. International Standards such as ISO 11612 are to be used instead. A classification system is given for materials, material assemblies, and garments which are tested according to ISO 15025, Procedure A.

prEN ISO 11612 Viešoji apklausa
Komentavimo iki data 2025-02-06
Apsauginė apranga. Apranga, apsauganti nuo karščio ir liepsnos. Minimalūs eksploatacinių charakteristikų reikalavimai (ISO/DIS 11612:2024)

ISO 11612:2015 specifies performance requirements for protective clothing made from flexible materials, which are designed to protect the wearer's body, except the hands, from heat and/or flame. For protection of the wearer's head and feet, the only items of protective clothing falling within the scope of ISO 11612:2015 are gaiters, hoods, and overboots. However, concerning hoods, requirements for visors and respiratory equipment are not given. The performance requirements set out in ISO 11612:2015 are applicable to protective clothing which could be worn for a wide range of end uses, where there is a need for clothing with limited flame spread properties and where the user can be exposed to radiant or convective or contact heat or to molten metal splashes.

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Su maisto produktais susiliečiančios medžiagos ir gaminiai (1) Anestezijos, kvėpavimo ir reanimacijos įranga (5) Aplinkos ekonomika. Tvarumas (2) Apsauginė apranga (1) Apšvietimo įrenginių sistemos (1) Bendrosios paskirties takiųjų medžiagų sistemos ir komponentai (1) Biokuras (2) Biologija. Botanika. Zoologija (2) Biologinis medicinos priemonių įvertinimas (1) Buitiniai automatiniai valdymo įtaisai (3) Chemijos laboratorijos. Laboratorinė įranga (3) Cheminė metalų analizė (1) Dantų implantatai (1) Darbo vietos oras (1) Degalų tiekimo sistemos (1) Diagnostikos įranga (2) Elektrinės kelių transporto priemonės (1) Elektriniai aparatai, naudojami sprogiosiose atmosferose (1) Elektriniai įrankiai (2) Elektroakustika (1) Elektros perdavimo ir skirstomosios linijos (7) Energetika ir šilumos perdavimo inžinerija. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Ergonomika (1) Galvos apsaugos priemonės (1) Gaminių ir įmonių sertifikavimas. Atitikties įvertinimas (3) Gamtinės dujos (2) Geležinkelių inžinerijos medžiagos ir komponentai (2) Geležinkelių ir kabamųjų kelių tiesimo ir techninės priežiūros įranga (1) Geležinkelių riedmenys. Bendrieji dalykai (3) Geležinkelių tiesyba (4) Generatoriniai agregatai (1) Geometrinė gaminio specifikacija (GGS) (1) Grafiniai specialiosios įrangos simboliai ir ženklai (1) Grindų dangos (2) Guma ir plastikai (1) Įmonės veiklos organizavimas ir vadyba. Bendrieji dalykai (1) In vitro diagnostinės sistemos (2) Informacijos mokslai (1) Informacinės technologijos (IT). Bendrieji dalykai (1) IT saugumas (2) IT statybos pramonėje (1) IT transporte (1) Kaiščiai, vinys (1) Keleivių salonų ir lakūnų kabinų įranga (1) Kelių tiesimo medžiagos (1) Keraminės plytelės (1) Kištukiniai įtaisai. Jungtys (2) Kita kėlimo įranga (1) Kita laisvalaikio įranga (1) Kita virtuvės įranga (1) Kiti chemijos pramonės gaminiai (1) Klimatiniai bandymai (1) Kniedės (1) Kojų ir pėdų apsauga (1) Kokybė ir aplinkos apsaugos vadyba sveikatos priežiūroje (2) Komerciniai šaldymo prietaisai (2) Konvejerių komponentai (1) Kosminės sistemos ir jų eksploatavimas (1) Kvėpavimo organų apsaugos priemonės (1) Lempos. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Lubos. Grindys. Laiptai (1) Magnetinės medžiagos (1) Maisto mikrobiologija (1) Maisto pramonės įrenginiai ir įranga (2) Mašinų sauga (2) Mechaniniai metalų bandymai (1) Medienos plokštės. Bendrieji dalykai (2) Medienos pusgaminiai (1) Mineralinės medžiagos ir gaminiai (1) Modernioji keramika (2) Naftos produktų ir gamtinių dujų transportavimo įranga (1) Neardomieji bandymai (2) Odontologinės medžiagos (1) Optinės skaidulos ir kabeliai (1) Orlaivių ir erdvėlaivių elektros įranga ir sistemos (8) Pagalbinės priemonės, skirtos neįgaliesiems. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Pastato akustika. Garso izoliacija (1) Pastovieji kondensatoriai (1) Pastovieji rezistoriai (8) Paviršiaus paruošimas (2) Pavojaus signalizavimo ir įspėjimo sistemos (1) Plastikinės jungiamosios detalės (1) Plienas (1) Pramonės automatizavimo sistemos (1) Puslaidininkiniai įtaisai. Bendrieji dalykai (3) Putplasčiai (1) Radiografijos įranga (1) Rišikliai. Sandarinimo medžiagos (1) Saugikliai ir kitokie apsaugos nuo viršsrovio įtaisai (1) Sietuvai ir sujungimo įranga (1) Šilumos ir garso izoliacinės medžiagos (3) Siurbliai (1) Skaiduliniai optiniai sujungimo įtaisai (1) Spausdintiniai grandynai ir plokštės (3) Spinduliuotės matavimas (1) Sterilizavimo įranga (1) Suvirinimo įranga (1) Sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Šviestuvai (2) Techniniai gaminių dokumentai (1) Tekstilės gaminiai. Bendrieji dalykai (1) Telekomunikacijos. Garso ir vaizdo inžinerija (7) Termoplastinės medžiagos (1) Tinklai (1) Valymo prietaisai (1) Vamzdžiai ir movos (2) Varžtai, sraigtai, smeigės (3) Veržlės (2) Vidaus vandenų laivai (1) Virtuvės reikmenys, įrankiai ir lėkštės (2) Viryklės, krosnelės ir panašūs prietaisai (1) Žaislai (4) Žarnos ir jų sąrankos (3) Žemosios įtampos perjungimo ir valdymo įrenginiai (1) Žuvis ir žuvies gaminiai (1) Žvalgybos, gręžimo ir gavybos įranga (3)